動画対訳:What to Do If Someone’s Following You In a Car [2](運転中のあなたを誰かが追いかけてきたら、どうすればいいのか [2])


What to Do If Someone’s Following You In a Car [2]

Provided by BRIGHT SIDE


Don’t acknowledge the pursuer. Try not to stare into your mirrors. Don’t look behind your shoulder. Don’t try to talk.

If they only wanted to scare you, they might just give up and drive away. If they know you’ve noticed them, they could start keeping a further distance. So it’ll be harder for you to get the details for the police.

This is also a good time to notice and remember details about the person that’s following you. The car’s make and model, the color, the license plate.

Get this valuable information, but don’t stare while you’re doing it. Now if you’re fully convinced someone’s following you, call the police.

If you have a passenger with you, have them do it. If you’re alone, use hands-free technology or voice commands. If you don’t have any of those options, use that car wash trick from earlier. You can call the cops while you’re stopped there.

Main thing, don’t use the phone while you’re driving. Once online with the police, they’ll try to determine your location. They might ask you to drive a bit slower to help the process.

Try to stick to one street. Aimless driving will make it harder for them to find you.

Now is the time when your eagle eye is useful. Give all the info on the car that you got earlier. Try to remember as many details as possible. When you can’t call anybody, find the closest police station.

Your pursuer probably won’t follow you to the station, but they might be brave enough. Park there and stay in your car until you see some officers come out. They can escort you inside.

You can do the same at a hospital or fire station. Those are usually well-secured and more likely to scare the guy away.

Your last option is a popular convenience store or gas station. Once stopped, you can make a call or ask the employees to. The worker will know the store’s address. So the cops will know exactly where to go.

In the worst-case scenario, the pursuer might try to attack before you can get to safety. If they’re tailgating you and keeping a short distance, speed up to a green light and slam the brakes. This will likely damage their car much more than yours.

Even if their vehicle isn’t rendered immobile, they might be shocked enough that you had the guts to do that, and they’ll decide you’re not worth the trouble.

Now drive to the closest police station or call the police to tell them what happened. Don’t try this trick if they were keeping a bigger distance. Their car will hit yours harder.

If you can’t pull off that maneuver, try to go to a road that has as many cars as possible. Now whatever your follower will try to do, they’ll likely hit some other car around, and that’ll get more attention.

When you finally get rid of your pursuer, don’t immediately assume everything is safe or that you can go home now. Even if you were able to shake them off, it’s better to drive a few minutes around the neighborhood. Just to be sure that the bad guy didn’t come back.

It’s also a good idea to call the police, even if you were able to get rid of the car yourself. You never know if they’ll come back.

If you’re a pedestrian being followed by a car, go to a well-populated area. Get inside and call somebody. But if someone’s following you on foot. Well, that’s a topic in another video. Stay safe.

[Translated into Japanese by shironeko,2022]
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