動画対訳:Teodor Currentzis, Conductor and Rebel(異端の指揮者 テオドール・クルレンツィス)


Teodor Currentzis, Conductor and Rebel
(異端の指揮者 テオドール・クルレンツィス)

Provided by DW Euromaxx

Teodor Currentzis, conductor of the MusicAeterna and one of the most maverick champions of the classical music world.

The Greek-born conductor became a Russian citizen in 2014.

With his unusual ideas and demands on his musicians, he tells things his colleagues cannot or will not do.

“He is like a storm, like a volcano, like a cataclysm.”

“It’s a total devotion to the art, and that’s something that we don’t see so often.”

Currentzis rehearsing Mozart’s Don Giovanni with his orchestra. The first recording in 2014 was not enough for him.

“Our first devotion is to make music and fill this precious moment of making music, then comes all the other.

My approach is, if Mozart was in the hall, what he will tell me to do.

I’m doing what I believe that most would like to do here in Perm with this orchestra who was here.”

Perm near Russia’s Ural Mountains is an unlikely base for this musical revolutionary to launch his visions on the world.

In the communist era, the city was the center of the Soviet arms industry and has always been known for its minerals, oil, timber, and freezing winters.

Currentzis was appointed artistic director of the perm state opera and Ballet Theatre in 2011.

The MusicAeterna orchestra he founded moved with him to the provincial city in the foothills of the mountains.

DWS Christian Burger accompanied the ensemble during their challenging CD recording.

“I liken it to a brotherhood or he’s a bit like the leader. There’s almost a religious angle to it. They follow him unconditionally.

And four soloists used to traveling from one production to the next. It’s bewildering at first.”

“I’m … I’m trying to keep consent … I like here … keep listen to nonsense sometimes. It’s theater. Die, die…”
“Brave!” [a clap]

The 44-year-old’s excessive control at times pushes the musicians to the limit. But he has nothing to hide from the camera during the shoot, and even shows his more private side.

“I really hope that in the life of the musician exists this, so-called home. Maybe the place you work is his home.”

The orchestra has a 14-day schedule for recording Don Giovanni instead of performing the Opera one take, however, the musicians record individual sections.

Time and again until everything is perfect. It’s a working method as unconventional as the conductor himself.

“He stomps around on stage, sings along, and makes these noises. And that makes life difficult for the sound engineer.

And he wears clothes that you’d normally associate with a rock musician. Summer simply bizarre. He wants to be different and provide a different image of classical music.”

“When I’m conducting and becoming the One that was made, or…” [rendition]

[Translated into Japanese by shironeko,2022]

『ベートーヴェン:交響曲第7番イ長調 作品92』
